DENTON (UNT), Texas — The University of North Texas officially unveiled the UNT One
Stop this spring, signaling a dedicated commitment to enriching the overall student
experience. The One Stop is a comprehensive initiative that brings together a range
of expertise spanning the entire enrollment journey — from admissions to graduation.
The primary objective of the UNT One Stop is to enhance students' ability to navigate administrative processes and actively partner with them throughout their time at UNT. It provides admissions, student financial and student money management services.
“Our entire UNT community cares deeply about our students’ success, and our One Stop is one more way we are supporting our students in their journey to graduation,” UNT President Neal Smatresk said. “We know that students are more successful when they are supported and are able to take advantage of all of the resources available to them. The goal is for the UNT One Stop to help students get their university business questions answered more quickly and efficiently so they can spend their time on their academics or enjoying campus life.
“This is a concept we launched 3 years ago, as we recognized the financial challenges our students faced. I’m proud to see it come to fruition.”
This project, conceived as part of a presidential initiative to elevate the modern student experience, received approval from the Board of Regents in November 2022 and was successfully completed in December 2023. The undertaking involved a remodeling effort on the second and first floors of the Eagle Student Services Center, creating an environment that is welcoming, intentional and engaging.
UNT's enrollment, which reached 47,000 this fall, has accounted for 52.3% of the growth in new enrollees at Texas public universities since 2019.
A 2022 survey conducted by Inside Higher Ed and College Pulse with support from Kaplan found a student’s satisfaction with course registration and financial aid office interactions was generally higher if their college had a one-stop location for student services. Creating a centralized model eliminates barriers of access for students looking for help from staff, the report indicated.
“A student's ability to navigate administrative processes should not impact their academic success,” says Dr. Brooke Moore, assistant vice president in the Division of Enrollment. “At UNT, our commitment lies in enhancing the student experience through personalized interactions that foster both the physical and financial well-being of students, from recruitment to graduation. Through the implementation of proactive and user-friendly resources and services, combined with a space that encourages student to visit, we believe the UNT One Stop is a tangible demonstration of the university's commitment to facilitating a smoother and more supportive experience for its students.”