UNT experts available to discuss terrorism, emergency management

Monday, April 15, 2013 - 19:48

DENTON (UNT), Texas -- Two explosions have been reported at the finish line of the 2013 Boston Marathon.

Associate Professor in UNT’s Emergency Administration and Planning Program David McEntire can be reached at 940-565-2996 and David.McEntire@unt.edu. McEntire is available by phone until 5:30 p.m. and is available by email after.

McEntire’s research and field of expertise includes emergency management theory, disaster vulnerability reduction, disaster response coordination, terrorism and homeland security, community disaster preparedness, international disasters and sustainability.

Samra Bufkins, lecturer of strategic communications in UNT’s Frank W. and Sue Mayborn School of Journalism, is available for interviews about the social media response to the Boston Marathon and news media coverage of the events on social media.  

Bufkins can be reached by email at samra.bufkins@unt.edu, on her cell at 214-708-5653, or on Twitter: @samjb.

As graphic images of Monday’s Boston Marathon bombings fill the news, University of North Texas counseling expert Dee Ray can discuss the importance of shielding young children from news coverage of the marathon and how to talk to older children about what happened at the marathon. Ray, director of UNT's Child and Family Resource Clinic and professor of counseling, can be reached at 565-2066 or dee.ray@unt.edu.

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