What: Partners in Change: Bridges and barriers to the design and delivery of health messages — Presented by the Department of Educational Psychology in the University of North Texas’ College of Education.
Stephanie Cowan, director of Change for Our Children Limited in Christchurch, New Zealand, will talk about how child care workers, health care workers, parent educators and others can effectively communicate important child care information to parents.
The discussion will focus on the effective translation of health evidence into protection for infants. Talking about her work with infant sleep safety, Cowan explains that sudden infant deaths used to be a mystery, but most are now considered preventable, expected and explained.
Attendees will leave with a new perspective about how to translate health information for parents, as well as approaches they can implement immediately in their discussions with families.
When: 10 a.m. April 29 (Monday)
Where: Golden Eagle Suite of the University Union, 1155 Union Circle
Cost: Free
Contact: Dr. Wendy Middlemiss, associate professor in UNT’s College of Education, at 940-369-8870 or wendy.middlemiss@unt.edu