Friends of UNT Libraries hosting Artists' Books Competition

Monday, November 11, 2013 - 21:22

DENTON (UNT), Texas —  Entries to the eighth Artists’ Books Competition and Biennial Exhibition  sponsored by  The Friends of the University of North Texas Libraries are being accepted through Dec. 11 (Wednesday).

The competition is open to Denton residents and University of North Texas faculty, staff and students.

The purposes of the competition and exhibition are to encourage the development of students’ and others’ work in the medium of Artists' Books, to reward excellence and creativity in the Artists' Books and to build the collection of Artists' Books in the UNT Rare Book & Texana Collections.

Artists' books date to the early medieval period and may be created with handwritten texts that are merged with illustrations, fabric covers, scrolls, fold-out content or loose items contained in a box. These books may or may not have content that can be read and may be produced as one-of-a-kind objects. Participants can also submit up to three entries.

Student entries may be awarded with purchase prizes of up to $400, at the discretion of the jurors. The $400 goes to buying the work to become a part of the library’s artist book collection.

Denton residents and UNT faculty and staff are not eligible for the cash prizes, but their entries may be chosen for an exhibit in the Forum on the first floor of UNT’s Willis Library, 506 W. Highland St, Denton, TX. The exhibit will run from January through June 2014.

Entry forms are available to download at this link. Entries may be delivered in person to Kristin Boyett, the UNT Libraries’ special events coordinator, between Dec. 2 and Dec. 11, in Room 252 of the Willis Library. Entries can also be mailed in before Dec. 11. 

. For more information, contact Boyett at 940-565-2486 or

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