How can families make the most of the holidays? UNT educational psychology expert has tips

Tuesday, November 25, 2014 - 17:13

Amid the hubbub of the holiday season, how can families make the most of their time together? Instead of putting the focus on gathering presents, Dr. Wendy Middlemiss, associate professor of educational psychology in the University of North Texas College of Education, has tips on how to celebrate by making memories.

  • Create a "thankful book," Middlemiss suggests. Each year, say and write something for which you are thankful, and then look back at the book as the years go on, she says. "It takes away from the idea that this is for presents," she says.
  • Keep children involved in creating and maintaining family traditions around the holidays. "You can have young children choose something that they will contribute," she says. "Maybe they will make a cake or they will make bread."
  • Click on the link below for more tips and advice from Middlemiss.

Contact Middlemiss at 724-977-3067 or

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